Desiring God 2006 National Conference

I got home about 2:30 this morning from two days in Minneapolis at the Desiring God 06 National Conference. Richard and I got up there Friday afternoon, and after a tasty dinner at Brit’s Pub, we perused the massive book sale before heading in for session one.

I’ll just thumbnail the conference in this post, then if I’m motivated I may post more in depth in future posts. If you want to get a good summary of the conference speakers, go to Amazing how much info he’s got on there.

The opening night speaker was David Wells; he’s a professor at a seminary in Massachussets, a charming older British gent who spoke on The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World. Good stuff.

After the opening session I walked 8 blocks or so over to Block E to meet several folks from the dot net. It was fun to get to meet these people face to face; Erik and Rhea, Mike and Rachel (and little 3-week old Emma), Rae and Amy, and Jamie.

Saturday morning brought a continued quality slate of speakers: Voddie Baucham, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, and Don Carson. They were very good, excellent, best of the conference, and somewhat academic, but still thoughtful, respectively.

We took off right after Don Carson spoke in the evening and high-tailed it back to Iowa. Richard still had to be at church for Sunday morning; I got my brother Andrew to lead music for me so I could sleep in. Thanks bub!